(1) Nomination for the various offices may be made by committee and/or from the floor and/or by written nomination.
(2) The election of officers will be by secret ballot.
(3) Only the Chapter members in good standing as defined in these By-Laws will be permitted to vote.
(4) The term of office for all elected officials shall be for two (2) years, extending from July 1st of one year to June 30th of the second following year. The President and Second Vice President shall be elected in the even numbered years and the First Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years.
(5) The election shall be held at the last general membership meeting of the year, but no later than June 30th or an election may be held by written ballot. All officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the membership present or by mail ballot. In the event one candidate does not receive a simple majority vote on the first ballot, the second ballot will contain only the two candidates who received the most votes or those receiving the highest number of tied votes.
The qualifications for all officers of this Chapter shall be:
(1) Demonstrated abilities in successful officiating, leadership, and dedication to the positive enhancement and advancement of the Chapter.
(2) A member in good standing of the Chapter.
(1) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee. That person, together with the First Vice President, shall assist in the negotiations on behalf of the Chapter and assist in the execution of any and all Chapter and school contracts.
(2) The President shall appoint all members to any standing or special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws.
(1) The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the persons’ absence.
(2) The First Vice President, or that persons’ designee, shall be responsible for making all game assignments from the current Chapter membership roster, or other recognized TASO Chapters when feasible. All designees, for the purpose of making game assignments, shall be Chapter members and shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.
(3) The First Vice President shall be responsible for administering all applicable contracts between the school districts and the Chapter. Also, shall negotiate, together with the President on behalf of the Chapter any and all Chapter and school contracts.
(4) The First Vice President shall be assisted, at that persons’ discretion, by the Secretary and/or President in the performance of his/her duties.
(1) The Secretary shall be responsible for the proper recording of the minutes of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings. These minutes will be available at all Chapter meetings.
(2) The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current membership roster, listing only those persons who have qualified for Chapter membership according to the By-Laws.
(3) The Secretary shall be responsible for the tabulation of all votes as outlined in Article I (2).
(4) The Secretary shall be responsible for all soccer related correspondence of the Chapter.
(1) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Chapter’s finances, and will make a written financial report to the President and then to the membership. It shall require two elected officers to sign any Chapter check exceeding $100.00.
(2) The Treasurer shall receive any school assignment fees and other fees not specifically assigned to another member.
(3) The Treasurer is responsible for paying all Chapter expenses in a timely fashion.
(4) The Treasurer is responsible for making sure all assessors are paid from Chapter funds.
(5) The Treasurer shall be responsible for informing those officials of a $50 late fee to be charged to each official who has not paid their assignor fees on or before May 1st of each year. This late fee is applicable for each assignor not paid. This late fee is to be paid by the official directly to the Chapter, which will in turn pay 50% of this late fee to the assignor(s) as applicable. The remaining 50% will remain with the Chapter, to be placed in the Chapter’s general operating fund. If the official does not pay the late fee, the Chapter will not pay the assignor(s) as applicable. If not paid by the official, this late fee will be required to be paid before the official may register as a Dallas Chapter official again, and when paid, the Chapter will pay the assignor(s) as applicable.
(1) The Second Vice President shall be responsible for attending the State Rule Interpreters’ meeting.
(2) The Second Vice President shall be responsible for informing members of the Rule changes and the points of emphasis established by the State Committee.
(3) The Second Vice President shall be responsible for providing instructional materials as necessary.
(4) The Second Vice President shall be responsible for ruling on all questions involving Rule interpretation, and/or seeking rulings from the State Committee.
(5) The Second Vice President shall be responsible for all training, assessment and educational activities of the Chapter. All assessors shall be Chapter members and shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.
(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to take the initiative in and/or act upon the following:
a. Proposing the day, time, place of all Chapter meetings and training sessions.
b. The enforcement of payment of dues, fines and assessments by each member.
c. The enforcement of meeting attendance regulations.
d. Proposing any special assessments.
e. The enforcement of regulations pertaining to uniforms and professional officiating demeanor.
f. The evaluation of new and transfer members.
g. Any part of these By-Laws or any Chapter regulations not specifically assigned elsewhere.
h. Establishing any and all standing committees deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
(2) Upon written report, the Executive Committee shall have the power to make a full investigation of any alleged violations of the Constitution, By-Laws, or Chapter regulations by any member of the Chapter. Failure by any member to cooperate with an investigation shall be considered as a resignation from the Chapter.
(3) Accused shall be notified in writing within five (5) days of the action.
(4) The Executive Committee, after consultation with the accused, shall have the power to suspend from membership in the Chapter for a period to be determined by the Committee and/or its designated committee in matters concerning, but not limited to:
a. Non-payment of dues, fines, and/or assessments before the prescribed deadline.
b. Failure of any member to give full cooperation to the Executive Committee in the investigation of any matter.
c. Failure of any member to appear for two (2) scheduled game dates in a season.
d. Conduct detrimental to the reputation and/or professional ethics and goals of the Chapter. The member under investigation shall be notified in writing of the findings of the Committee. The notification shall be post marked within five (5) days after the conclusion of the investigation.
(5) The guilty member shall have the right to appeal that person’s suspension to the membership.
(6) Two (2) members of the Executive Committee or their designees shall attend the Annual State Meeting.
(7) All expenses must be approved in writing by three (3) members of the Executive Committee not involved with the issue.
(1) All members must pass the TASO written exam yearly to maintain membership.
(2) All members must attend training sessions for each season that they intend to officiate. Further, each member, each year, must attend the new rule / point of emphasis meeting. The Executive Committee may set additional attendance or training requirements.
(3) Each member must wear the uniform as prescribed by the Chapter. The TASO badge will be the only badge worn.
(4) It is recommended that hair, mustaches, and/or beards be kept neat to help establish and maintain a professional appearance and demeanor at all times.
(5) Membership does not automatically guarantee any official of game assignments.
(6) Members are responsible for notifying the First Vice President or his designee at least one week in advance of scheduled game assignments if unable to work the game, except for emergencies as defined by the First Vice President.
(7) An official that fails to show up for any assigned and accepted game or fails to give proper notification of cancellation (multiple within 48 hours) shall be brought before the board for a hearing. The board may issue punishment from probation through suspension and/or fines based on the cancelled assignments not to exceed twice the assignor’s fee for each game.
(8) Should an official fail to appear fro a scheduled game date without an acceptable excuse, that official shall be fined one half of the game fee for each game missed. For the second and subsequent occurrences, the Executive Committee or its designee will investigate and levy fines deemed appropriate.
(9) All fines must be paid in full, prior to the fined member being assigned any further games.
(10) No Chapter member other than the Chapter officers shall solicit games in the name of the Chapter.
(11) By accepting membership in this Chapter, each member agrees to fully observe the Constitution and By-Laws, or any regulation adopted by this Chapter or TASO.
(12) Chapter members, who fail to pay assignment fees within thirty (30) days form the written notice by the Chapter Treasurer, shall be declared member not in good standing. Further application for Chapter membership will require full payment of assignment fees, and a fifty dollar ($50.00) assignment bond prior to reinstatement of membership. This bond will be refunded after the assignment fees are paid the following high school soccer season.
(1) The amount of annual Chapter dues shall be that established by the Executive Committee. Lack of any action on this shall cause the current dues to remain unchanged.
(2) For high school soccer, maximum games fees, and travel allowances where applicable will be paid.
(3) All dues and assessments are due on the date set by the Executive Committee.
(1) Notice of meetings must be made to all Chapter members by mail at least 48 hours in advance. Supplemental communication may include telephone, personal conversation or newspaper article. Executive Committee shall schedule all meetings. The end of season meeting will be held between March 15 and June 15. The first meeting of the fiscal year must be held prior to the start of the season.
(2) Chapter training meetings will be held prior to the start of the season.
In the event that an article, section or item of this Constitution or By-Laws is ever declared to be in conflict with any ruling by TASO or any law of the land, only that article, section, or item shall be declared null and void. Such a declaration shall not affect any other part of the Constitution or By-Laws.
Any situation, problem, conflict or question not specifically covered herein shall be decided by the Executive Committee, who then may take it to the membership for a vote.
The following shall be the Chapter’s method of annually recommending officials to participate in a Regional Tournament or the State Finals:
(1) A recommendation committee shall be formed, comprised of the following:
a. Chair shall be the Chapter’s First Vice President.
b. The Chapter’s Second Vice President shall be a member of the committee, and shall serve as Chair in the absence of the First Vice President.
c. Each designated Chapter assignor shall be a member of the committee.
d. The Chair may “invite” one Chapter member, who must be an assessor, to be a member of the committee. This invitee shall be selected from the membership at large and shall not be a member of the Executive Committee.
(2) The Chapter Secretary and/or President shall provide the Chair with any and all information from UIL regarding the procedures to follow for recommending Chapter officials to be considered for a Regional Tournament and the State Finals.
(3) The Chair will be responsible for submitting the Chapter recommendations to the UIL in the manner prescribed by UIL, and as provided to the Chair by the Chapter Secretary and/or President.
(4) To be considered for Chapter recommendation to participate in a Regional Tournament or the State Finals and official must:
a. Be a Chapter member in good standing.
b. Be rated at one of the two top positions in any officials ranking system done by the Chapter’s Executive Committee and assignors prior to the beginning of each season
c. Have attended the UIL required clinic.
(5) The committee shall submit a list to UIL noting a numerical ranking for each official recommended; i.e., the top Chapter official, in the determination of the committee, shall be number 1, the next number 2, etc. through the number of officials allotted to the Chapter per the requirements and restrictions of the UIL.
(6) The Chair shall keep the list of recommended officials, and only the committee shall have access to the list.
(7) The list of those who have been invited and have accepted invitations to a Regional Tournament or the State Finals will be published to the entire membership.
(8) An official may attend two (2) Regional Tournaments in a row, but may not attend three (3) Regional Tournaments in a row.
(9) An official who participates in the State Finals for three (3) consecutive years, that official shall not be eligible for placement on the recommended list for a Regional Tournament or the State Finals for a period of two (2) school years. For example, an official who participates in the 2000, 2001 and 2002 State Finals is not eligible again until 2005.
(10) Any and all restrictions noted in this amendment shall not be applicable for a Chapter member official who attends a Regional Tournament or the State Finals as an assessor or as a designated 4th official.
(11) A Chapter member still has the option of contacting the committee Chair, in writing, to inform the committee of that member’s interest in being selected for a Regional Tournament or the State Finals.
By declaring for Emeritus Status, the referee has officially retired and may not revoke that status. This must be done in writing and may be applied for at anytime during the soccer year. The emeritus referee will be rated as a Referee Level 1(E), will be given assignments at the Varsity Level 3 and will not be eligible for Regional Tournaments or State Finals. The requirements for declaring as an Emeritus referee are:
(1) 26 years of age
(2) Five years as a member in good standing
(3) Training and testing as required by all officials of the Chapter
(4) Field assessments and physical fitness test are not required
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