- Each member of the TASO shall:
- Personify the highest moral principles and loyalty to TASO and its members and act in accordance without regard to individual gains.
- Uphold the Bylaws and legal regulations of the TASO and support the members of the organization and refrain from evasion of said regulations.
- Refrain from any type of discrimination, including special favors or privileges to any person, whether for remuneration or not and never accept, for self or family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of TASO duties.
- Never engage in any private promise that includes any type of binding agreement upon duties of office since a TASO member has no authority to a statement that is binding on a public duty.
- Refrain from engaging in business with nonmembers, either directly or indirectly that is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of TASO principles.
- Pay all TASO and Local Chapter dues and fees promptly and in full.
- When discovered, expose any corruption.
- Follow and abide by these principles being ever mindful that TASO membership is a basic human trust.
- Each member of TASO must avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this code, which might result in or create the appearance of a violation of these standards of conduct which include but are not restricted to:
- Using TASO for private gain.
- Giving preferential treatment to any person.
- Losing complete independence or impartiality.
- Making TASO decision outside official channels.
- Affecting adversely the confidence of the public, schools, and universities in the integrity of TASO.
- Solicitation of, or accept any gift, favor, entertainment, meal, loan, or anything of value from any person seeking contractual or other business with TASO and supporting members.
- No member will engage in criminal, dishonest, notoriously disgraceful, or immoral conduct or other conduct prejudicial to TASO.
- Use intoxicating beverages or tobacco products while engaged in officiating activities.
- Use of illegal drugs which may be grounds for removal from TASO.
- No official shall partake of any substance prior to officiating a game or match which shall impair his or her physical or mental performance.
- Consume alcohol in public after a contest in uniform.
- No official shall cancel an officiating assignment to accept another more advantageous high school assignment. Each chapter should establish policy regarding upgrading assignments (such as college, etc.) This policy shall be reviewed with the appropriate District Director, and a copy filed with other chapter documents in the TASO office.
- No official shall fail to honor an officiating contract. Whenever it becomes impossible to fulfill any officiating assignment, the official involved shall notify the chapter secretary, or assigner, in sufficient time that a replacement may be obtained.
- No official shall seek to influence a coach for the purpose of promoting personal officiating opportunities.
- An official shall never publicly criticize another official or the association, or express disagreement with another official when a spectator.
- Every official shall seek to possess and demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the letter and intent of the playing rules and officiating mechanics.
- No official shall solicit games/matches unless he/she is operating as a chapter assigning authority, per the TASO Solicitation Policy.
- No official shall falsify records or reports.
- No official shall engage in scouting activities or provide scouting information to coaches regarding other teams.
- No official shall engage in actively promoting a college or university to a student athlete.
Revised – April 30, 2017
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